Oklahoma Community Town Hall on SB613 for Families of Trans Youth

May 9, 2023 @ 6:00 pm

Oklahoma’s SB613, which restricts transition-related healthcare in Oklahoma for Two Spirit, transgender, and gender nonconforming (2STGNC+) people under the age of 18, became law and took effect immediately on May 1; this means that care such as gender-affirming hormone therapy and puberty blockers are currently inaccessible in Oklahoma for trans people until they turn 18. The law has a six-month “tapering off” period (through October 2023) for transgender youth currently receiving gender-affirming care such as puberty blockers or hormone therapy.

As we hold out hope that a new lawsuit from the ACLU of Oklahoma, Lambda Legal, and private counsel will stop SB613 from being enforced, we also know that it’s critical for families to take steps to prepare.

That’s why community and advocacy organizations are coming together for an Oklahoma Community Town Hall, a virtual event focused on helping families navigate access to the gender-affirming care they need while feeling supported and uplifted by their communities. Please join us Tuesday, May 9th from 6:00-7:30pm CT for this event, which is being hosted by Freedom Oklahoma, the ACLU of Oklahoma, and the Campaign for Southern Equality.

At the event, we will be discussing resources available, including patient navigation support, referrals to out-of-state gender-affirming care, and $250 emergency grants for families of transgender youth. Additionally, community partners will share about the resources available through their organizations. And there will be plenty of time for questions.  RSVP below and we’ll share the dial-in information with you the day of the event. 
